The Scranton Bunch

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The Scranton Bunch by zerobriant
The Dunder Mifflin break room resembled a sitcom gone wrong. Michael Scott, channeling his inner Greg Brady, beamed at the mismatched furniture he'd arranged. Pam, ever the design-conscious Marcia, rolled her eyes at the clash of flowery armchairs and a beanbag chair.

"Alright, Scranton Bunch!" Michael boomed, his voice echoing off the popcorn ceiling. "Time for our family meeting!"

Dwight, dressed in a perfectly ironed shirt (Peter Brady would approve), adjusted his glasses. "Just a reminder, Michael, we're Dunder Mifflin, not some Brady Bunch knockoff."

Angela, channeling her inner Carol Brady, pursed her lips. "Dwight, a little enthusiasm wouldn't hurt."

Oscar, ever the sardonic Bobby Brady, muttered to Jim, "This is the plot of a fever dream." Jim, dressed in a Hawaiian shirt channeling Greg's love of the islands, just smirked.

Michael launched into a sales pep talk, peppered with references to Marcia's virtuousness (Angela scoffed) and Peter's mischievous streak (which Dwight took as a personal challenge). Creed, the show's resident mystery (think Alice?), shuffled in late, muttering about a "groovy meeting."

Suddenly, the door burst open, revealing Meredith, channeling a tipsy Jan Brady, hair askew and clutching a bottle of "Dundie Award Winning" wine. "Did someone say meeting? Because I brought the fun!"

Chaos erupted. Stanley, the grumpy Grandpa Brady, grumbled about wanting his afternoon nap. Kevin, channeling a food-obsessed Bobby, drooled over a plate of cookies. Pam, resigned to her role as Marcia, tried to maintain some semblance of order.

Dwight, ever the rule follower, attempted to enforce a Brady Bunch-style family bonding activity: charades. The results were disastrous. Michael's flamboyant charade of "World's Best Boss" left everyone bewildered. Meredith's drunken attempt at "Sales Call" devolved into a reenactment of her last bar brawl.

As the charades crumbled, a strange sense of camaraderie emerged. They weren't a Brady Bunch, but they were a dysfunctional family nonetheless. Michael, realizing the absurdity, declared, "Alright, Scranton Bunch! Let's get back to work… and maybe tone down the Brady Bunch references a bit."

The "meeting" ended as quickly as it began, leaving behind a trail of laughter and slightly bruised egos. Despite the chaos, a warmth filled the room. Maybe, just maybe, the Scranton Bunch had found their own unique way to connect, Brady Bunch references and all.
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