Halo Teabagging


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Halo Teabagging by Mike Jacobsen

There is no act more disrespectful, more rude and shameful, in the world of online multiplayer gaming than teabagging.


Going after opposing players is one thing, but when you desecrate their corpse with a crotch drop on their avatar’s face their blood begins to boil, and it’s only a matter of time before they’ve convinced everyone they know to log on and help them get revenge.


 But the worst part about teabagging is the wear and tear it puts on your avatar’s knees, and knees are a crucial part of kneeling behind cover and jumping over obstacles in combat. 


Can something that causes so much strain, makes other players hate you and is the chief reason for losing your saintly halo really be worth a minute of laughter at your enemy’s expense? 

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