Scientists Do It
Complete Selection
The Romance of Radio Astronomy
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Toxicologists Do It Till They're Half-Dead
$24.95 -
Volcanologists Make Great Lava
$24.95 -
Statisticians Do All The Standard Deviations
$24.95 -
Spectroscopists Do It Until It Hertz
$24.95 -
Seismologists Make The Earth Move
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Rocket Scientists Do It On Impulse
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On Sale $19.95 (Save 0%) -
Quantum Physicists Know How Fast Or Where They Do It, But Not Both
$24.95 -
Polymer Chemists Do It In Chains
$24.95 -
Particle Physicists Do It With Charm
$24.95 -
Molecular Biologists Do It With Hot Probes
$24.95 -
Mathematicians Do It To Prove Themselves
$24.95 -
Heisenberg Might Have Done It, But He's Not Sure
$24.95 -
Geologists Make The Bed Rock
$24.95 -
Geneticists Do It For The Inheritance
$24.95 -
Electrochemists Do It With Greater Potential
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Electrical Engineers Do It With More Frequency And Less Resistance
$24.95 -
Economists Do It With Models
$24.95 -
Dyslexic Physicists Do It With Hadrons
$24.95 -
Chemists Do It In An Excited State
$24.95 -
Circuit Designers Have A Very Low Rise Time
$24.95 -
Biologists Evolved To Do It Better
$24.95 -
Astronomers Do It With White Dwarfs and Red Giants
T-Shirt - Reg.$19.95
On Sale $19.95 (Save 0%) -
Astronomers Do It Under The Stars, All Night Long
$24.95 -
Mobius Always Does It On The Same Side
$24.95 -
Seismologists: Always Ready to Rumble
$24.95 -
Geologists: Experts in the Art of Subduction
$24.95 -
Chemists Do It Periodically On A Table
$24.95 -
Writers Do It 'Til Their Hands Cramp
$24.95 -
Cosmologists Do It In The First 3 Minutes
$24.95 -
Archaeologists Do It In The Dirt