
I came from a small country in the Balkans but have been living my whole life in Cyprus. I've been into art and design since I was a child (I was always wondering why things are they way they are!). I love colours, but also love white space when it fits. I know, WTF, right?

I finished my bachelor in Applied Multimedia at the University of Nicosia in Cyprus. Since then, I have been in design - anything from Flash animation to T-shirts. (I love photograph, too, by the way!) After realizing that my future isn't so much on animation but in general design, I moved more into graphic design.

I love music - all kind of music. It makes my heart wobble and it's the reason I keep designing late into the night and even into the early mornings. Oh, let's not forget cycling. That's my latest love.

Anyways, back to my work. As you may have noticed, I have distinctive design styles that I have developed. From my simplistic Doctor Who designs up to more complicated parodies. I am always open to everything when it comes to design. What I hate is people telling me "you can't do that because there's a rule that says so." I don't care for design rules. I love breaking them and making unique designs. Of course, that doesn't mean I will do something that's crap just to break some rules ...

In any case, that's who I am. I'll never stop developing myself as a person and as a designer.


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