A creative soul yearns to emerge like a tidal wave with their potential. She aims high to achieve her dreams to nurture and grow it exponential. She closes her eyes to open the 3rd eye of her mind to reveal what has been concealed in her stream of consciousness. It is in this space and time where she envisions her past artistic roots and her destiny. In this realm it is revealed that she must work day and night and use her time wisely as the drawers of her mind quickly open overflowing with ideas. A powerful surge of electricity resonates in the sky in the form of a storm as the sand dial becomes illuminated with a plethora of ideas. A brainstorm cracks over the sky with raindrops drizzling into the drawers of her mind blossoming into art works that stand the sands of time. The churning of rain, thunder, lightning and sun results in a translucent rainbow burst. The rainbow aura begins to fragment in the sky to infinitely paint the colors of creativity for you and I.
Instagram@ Artbydebcamp
Facebook@ Art by Deborah Camp
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