Holy Grail and Full Metal Jacket mashed up and parodied into a fine jam.
And now, for something completely different:
Sir Black Knight: None shall pass.
King Arthur: What?
Sir Black Knight: NONE SHALL PASS!
King Arthur: I have no quarrel with you, good Sir Knight. But I must cross this bridge.
Sir Black Knight: Then you shall die. LET ME SEE YOUR WAR FACE!!!
King Arthur: Sir?
Sir Black Knight: Your war face. AAAAAAAAAAAAH! That’s a war face, now let me see your war face.
King Arthur: Aaaaaah?!
Sir Black Knight: Bollocks, you didn’t convince me. Let me see your real war
Sir Black Knight: I move for no man.
King Arthur: So be it!
(they fight and Arthur chops the Black Knight’s arm off CHOP!)
Now, stand aside, worthy adversary!
Sir Black Knight: ’Tis but a scratch!
King Arthur: A scratch? Your arm’s off!
Sir Black Knight: No it isn’t!
King Arthur: Well, what’s that then?
Sir Black Knight: I’ve had worse.
King Arthur: You liar!
Sir Black Knight: COME ON, YA PANSY!
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